I didnt know this game released and when i saw it on the switch store the name made me pass it up, I regret that.
I've wanted a remake or re-release of ogre battle 64 for 20 years, this game is that but so much more, its just so good and its uses and improves the old system so tactfully, keeping what was in the past done right but also improving where needed.
my only complaint is the story isnt very good but its also not horrible(edit: it really is horrible), i really wish companies would start investing in some writers, its almost a crime to make a game so well constructed like this and just phone in the story, parts of it are okay but its the old tried and true jrpg, still though everything else makes this an easy 5 star, also the open world/waging a campaign across it is new and incredibly well implemented, theres just so much done right here. I would say this is one of the best games of the entire switches lifespan, a once in a generation type deal which it shouldnt be, im amazed it took nintendo this long but i am ecstatic they finally did.
there are alot of convenience/qol mechanics, the best being the fast forward, you can FF virtually everything, you can skip battles so it just gives you the results but you can of course watch them to learn what your troops are doing right as it is an auto battler, you direct your troops across an overworld battlefield and task them with what enemy troops to engage and then you sit back and watch it play out adding or changing the battleplan as it goes, there are alot of other abilities and items that let you alter outcomes as well. Its very very good.
If you never played ogre battle but like strategy games you are in for a treat, if youre on the fence dont be, if you can buy this do so and prepare to have a very very good time.
I desperately hope they turn this into a series and make more content.
lastly i find i have a lot of trouble playing games anymore, even just getting interested enough for them to hold my attention is quite hard anymore, this one did so effortlessly, maybe it was partly due to nostalgia but im glad either way.
shout out to one of the other reviewers, Mitch Mckillip, if not for him and saying the magic words ogre battle i might have missed this game because i didnt realize it was using that old system, im sad i cant direct message him to thank him.
There are things im forgetting but i gotta get back to playing, i felt i had to write this review out as i want to see this series or at least this type of game continue and a good review is the least i can do.
buy it and enjoy, its an easy guaranteed good time.
Edit: after playing for about 60 hours i gotta say its still a great game gameplay wise but the story is so incredibly trite and bad its painful, its starts out okay but all of the characters are positive or kuwaii or hallmark cardish to the nth degree, just think of any jrpg or anime caricature and you have it, its almost painful, again i love the gameplay and systems enough it the gameplay shines through and makes up for it but I cant help but think the studio missed a chance to make something truly amazing.
this is a game about a civil war/insurgency/multiple coup's and your character walks around saying shit like "I know you murdered all those innocent civilian's but you were under the bad man's spell, I know if i give you a shot you'll be my steady right hand in the battle's to come" this is not an exact quote but its close, I dont know who wrote this but they might need to stick to writing more wholesome content, I cant think of a medium where this writing would flourish except for those super cute animes that make me feel sick(not judging if you like them, just not for me).
again though, you can skip or fast forward all of this, still the game is 5 stars and I will happily buy a second one while desperately hoping they either get new writers, take a page from ff tactics or a competing game studio takes this idea and runs with it.